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Astro Announcements 11/3

November 3rd, 2023

Here are this week’s announcements for athletics and clubs!   Juniors- If you are an eligible NHS candidate with an unweighted GPA of 88.0 as of August, you received an email from Mrs. Lemire with all the information you need to apply.  There will be an optional information meeting on Thursday, November 2nd in the Academy Lecture Hall at 2:15 that goes over the application process in more depth.  All applications are due back no later than 2:30 on Friday, November 10th to Mrs. Lemire. If you have any questions, stop by Room 430 or send Mrs. Lemire an email.   Do you love Crocheting and are willing to share your crochet knowledge with others? The Saltmarsh library is looking for experienced students who crochet and are passionate and willing to teach others how to crochet during the Fall and Winter months. If you are interested, please visit the Saltmarsh library and scan the QR code on the recruiting flyers. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Roddy.   If you are enrolled in a CTE course and are interested in being part of the SkillsUSA national CTE organization, learn leadership skills, compete in industry competitions and more, come see what we are all about! Our first general meeting of SkillsUSA is Monday November 13th at 210 in room 6-121.   Destination Imagination is a project based, STEM, creative-problem solving program. Teams of students work on a challenge throughout the school year and compete in regional, state, and global competitions in the spring. The first meeting will be held after school today in Room #10 of the Saltmarsh library building from 2-3 PM. If you are interested, but unable to attend the meeting today, please email mwalker@pinkertonacademy.org for more information.   Pinkerton's Got Talent is an annual talent show that will take place on December 7th. Auditions will be held on November 13th and 14th.   Cross country competes in the Meet of Champions tomorrow in Mine Falls Park in Nashua. Girls compete at 2:30 and Boys compete at 3:20!

Juniors- If you are an eligible NHS candidate with an unweighted GPA of 88.0 as of August, you received an email from Mrs. Lemire with all the information you need to apply.  There will be an optional information meeting on Thursday, November 2nd in the Academy Lecture Hall at 2:15 that goes over the application process in more depth.  All applications are due back no later than 2:30 on Friday, November 10th to Mrs. Lemire. If you have any questions, stop by Room 430 or send Mrs. Lemire an email. 

Do you love Crocheting and are willing to share your crochet knowledge with others? The Saltmarsh library is looking for experienced students who crochet and are passionate and willing to teach others how to crochet during the Fall and Winter months. If you are interested, please visit the Saltmarsh library and scan the QR code on the recruiting flyers. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Roddy. 

If you are enrolled in a CTE course and are interested in being part of the SkillsUSA national CTE organization, learn leadership skills, compete in industry competitions and more, come see what we are all about! Our first general meeting of SkillsUSA is Monday November 13th at 210 in room 6-121. 

Destination Imagination is a project based, STEM, creative-problem solving program. Teams of students work on a challenge throughout the school year and compete in regional, state, and global competitions in the spring. The first meeting will be held after school today in Room #10 of the Saltmarsh library building from 2-3 PM. If you are interested, but unable to attend the meeting today, please email [email protected] for more information. 

Pinkerton's Got Talent is an annual talent show that will take place on December 7th. Auditions will be held on November 13th and 14th. 

Cross country competes in the Meet of Champions tomorrow in Mine Falls Park in Nashua. Girls compete at 2:30 and Boys compete at 3:20!