Credit Recovery

Students who fail to meet the 65 required to pass a course may be eligible to recover the credit for the course during the summer session program provided the courses are offered. Credit recovery courses are pass/fail.  Passing a credit recovery class will earn the missed credit but it will not replace the recorded grade of the prior course.  

Most courses will utilize software-based learning by Edmentum in addition to in-class instruction.  Edmentum Courseware provides students with flexible digital content and curriculum that engages and motivates them to take ownership of their learning.  The self-paced learning and pretesting allow students to spend more time on what they need and less time on what they’ve already mastered.  During the scheduled class time students are expected to work independently and get assistance from the certified teacher in the room.  Students may also work outside of class time to complete the requirements sooner.  Once a student has completed all coursework and passed all competencies the class will be considered complete and they will no longer need to attend class.

In order to gain Sophomore, Junior, or Senior Status during a school year a student must have a minimum number of credits at the start of the school year:

  • 10th Grade 5 credits
  • 11th Grade 10 credits
  • 12th Grade 16 credits

Students who are successful in the summer session program have the following qualities:

  • Foundational knowledge - A minimum grade of 50% in a course is required to take a course due to the summer session timeframe.
  • Reasonable attendance - The summer session is short and excessive absences or tardiness will interfere with a student's ability to complete the required work. Any student who has not completed a course by July 30 will receive a failing grade and will not get credit for the course.
  • Independent worker - All of the courses require computer work, although some more than others. Students will be expected to work independently and ask questions as needed.
  • Motivated to earn credits - Students who attend need to complete the required work and/or homework. Simply being present is not a guarantee of passing the class.
  • Limited need for Resource support - There is a Resource teacher available during the summer session to assist students during periods 2 and 3, but this does not replace classroom instruction or assistance from the certified classroom teacher.


Credit Recovery Winter 2025


Courses will run from Monday, February 10th - Thursday, June 5th (15 days)

Classes will run once a week from 2:30-4:00 in the Media Center

Monday - English

Tuesday - Science or English

Wednesday - Social Studies

Thursday - Math





We plan to run the following classes pending sufficient enrollment. Class times will be determined based on enrollment needs. 




Social Studies

English 9 semester 1

Algebra 1 Semester 1

Physical Science - Chemistry

World History (Cultural Geography)

English 9 semester 2

Algebra 1 semester 2

Physical Science - Physics

American Government

English 10 semester 1

Intro to Statistics

Biology semester 1


English 10 semester 2


Biology semester 2


English 11 Literature (sem 1)

Finite Math 



English 11 Writing (sem 2)



English 12 Writing (sem 1)



English 12 Literature (sem 2)




½ credit courses (15 classes) -$165


Registration will be open through Friday, February 7, 2025.  

***Courses may not be offered due to low enrollment - a refund will be issued if this is the case.***

All courses are held in the Academy Building Media Center.


  • There is no bus transportation provided
  • There will not be a nurse on campus during classes. There will be staff that are CPR and First Aid certified. In the event of a minor illness/injury, we will call home. In the event of a major illness/injury, we will contact 911.


Registration Process:

  1. Click on the following link to access the registration site. REGISTRATION FORM

  2. Once your information is processed and checked you will receive an invoice for the tuition with directions to pay for the class through My School Bucks.  This process may take five to six business days.  

  3. If you have any questions please email the Director of Alternative Learning [email protected] , or call (603) 437-5200 ext 5144



Credit Recovery Summer 2025


Courses will run from Monday, June 30th - Thursday, July 30th (20 days)

Classes will run Monday-Thursday each week. 

If a family has a vacation planned this must be communicated at the time of registration.  We will do our best to work out a schedule that can accommodate your family plans.  This must be done before the first day of class




We plan to run the following classes pending sufficient enrollment. Class times will be determined based on enrollment needs. 




Social Studies

English 9 semester 1

Algebra 1 semester 1

Physical Science - Chemistry

Cultural Geography

English 9 semester 2

Algebra 1 semester 2

Physical Science - Physics

American Government

English 10 semester 1

Inro to Statistics

Biology semester 1


English 10 semester 2


Biology semester 2

US History*

English 11 Literature (sem 1)

Algebra 2*



English 11 Writing (sem 2)

Practical Math



English 12 Writing (sem 1)

Finite Math 


English 12 Literature (sem 2)


 Intermediate Algebra*  


There are four 90-minute class periods each day:

Period 1: 7:45am - 9:15am  Period 2: 9:15am - 10:45am  Period 3: 11:00am - 12:30pm  Period 4: 12:30pm - 2:00pm

*These are full credit classes.  Students will be scheduled for 2 periods for this one class (so they will be 3 hours each day) for 20 days 



½ credit courses (30 hours) -$165
Full credit courses (60 hours) - $330


Registration will be open Monday, February 3, 2025, through Friday, June 27, 2025.  

***Courses may not be offered due to low enrollment - a refund will be issued if this is the case.***

All courses are held in the Academy Building - specific rooms will be listed on the main lobby doors.


  • There is no bus transportation for the summer program
  • There will not be a nurse on campus during classes. There will be staff that are CPR and First Aid certified. In the event of a minor illness/injury, we will call home. In the event of a major illness/injury, we will contact 911.
  • After requests have been verified an invoice will be issued.  Invoices will be sent starting April 1. 

  • If a class does not run due to low enrollment your payment will be fully refunded. 

  • You will not be billed if you withdraw from a class before April 1.  After April 1 no refunds will be issued unless that class does not run due to low enrollment.

    Classes are filling quickly but we will try to add classes if the demand arises.



Registration Process:

  1. Click on the following link to access the registration site. REGISTRATION FORM

  2. Once your information is processed and checked you will receive an invoice for the tuition with directions to pay for the class through My School Bucks.  This process may take five to six business days.  

  3. If you have any questions please email the Director of Alternative Learning [email protected] , or call (603) 437-5200 ext 5144



Contact the program director with questions:

Andy Collins
