Faculty & Staff

 Mrs. Kathleen AlbertAssistant Director of School Counseling[email protected]x1212
 Ms. Jessica AtkinsonSchool Counselor[email protected]x1130
 Mrs. Jane BraleyAssistant Registrar[email protected]x1191
 Mr. Bruce BrooksSchool Counselor[email protected]x1164
 Mrs. Susan BurtOffice Personnel[email protected]x1181
 Ms. Christie CaliendoSchool Counselor[email protected]x1214
 Ms. Elizabeth CapstaffSocial Worker[email protected]x1237
 Mrs. Christine CaronSchool Counselor[email protected]x1120
 Mr. Sean CashmanSchool Counselor[email protected]x1121
 Mr. Brent ClaninSchool Counselor[email protected]x1131
 Ms. Tiffany CooganAdjustment Counselor[email protected]x1196
 Mrs. Tammy CraftSchool Counseling Office Manager[email protected]x1189
 Mrs. Brianna DelahuntySchool Counselor[email protected]x1129
 Mrs. Kayla DeloreyAdministrative Assistant -- Counseling[email protected]x1178
 Ms. Julie DonovanPrevention Specialist[email protected]x1118
 Mrs. Jill DunhamSchool Counselor[email protected]x1123
 Mr. Grant FrohockSchool Counselor[email protected]x1211
 Mrs. Kara GagnonDirector of School Counselor[email protected]x1124
 Mr. Robert Hailey504 Assistant[email protected]x4101
 Mr. Tyler HallSocial Worker[email protected]x5248
 Mrs. Pamela GainesBRYT Path Academic Coordiantor/Chalk Talk[email protected]x3125
 Mr. Jacob GraySchool Counselor[email protected]x1221
 Mr. Robert Hailey504 Assistant[email protected]x4101
 Mrs. Jen Hamilton504 Coordinator[email protected]x2128
 Ms. Rachel JohansenSchool Counselor[email protected]x1128
 Mrs. Jessica LownSchool Counselor[email protected]x1125
 Ms. Jennifer MartzSchool Counselor[email protected]x2161
 Mr. Kevin McGrathRegistrar[email protected]x1177
 Ms. Michelle RobinsonSchool Counselor[email protected]x1127
 Ms. Kara SchoenSchool Counselor[email protected]x1126
 Mrs. Melissa ToddAlternative Learning Programs School Counselor[email protected]x2133
 Ms. Jacklyne WilsonAdministrative Assistant - Counseling[email protected]x1179