Clubs & Activities

With more than 60 clubs and organizations, Pinkerton Academy offers ways for every student to get involved. Please contact the advisor for specific details for each club or organization or view our Virtual Club Fair Slideshow

  • Academy Mentor Program (AMP) - Mrs. Matrumalo, Ms. Spinelli

    Seeking involvement from upperclassmen with leadership abilities to help in the transition component of the Freshmen Seminar. The actual seminar mentoring starts 1st semester, 2 days/week. Mentors will earn one-quarter credit after completion of the full program. Email: Mrs. Matrumalo, Mrs. Spinelli

  • ACT Student Aides - Mr. Conley

    Seeking involvement from upperclassmen with leadership abilities to help in the transition component of the Freshmen Seminar. The actual seminar mentoring starts 1st semester, 2 days/week. Mentors will earn one-quarter credit after completion of the full program. Email: [email protected]

  • Animation Club - Ms. Hult

    Animation Club is dedicated to the art of animation! Activities include storyboards, stop motion, and 2D/3D animation. With the creative medium being so relevant in modern life (movies, tv, social media, marketing, etc.) we strive to get students more involved in this moving art form. 

    This club is for seasoned animators and new ones alike! Students can try out animation techniques and get more individualized, and socially excelling experience than they might in a regular classroom setting. 

    For information please email [email protected]

  • Astros Announcements Team - Mr. Breda -Rm 306

    The Astros Announcements Team comprises a diverse group of students involved in all types of student activities at Pinkerton. The primary goal is to get news of Pinkerton events and club happenings to our Greater Pinkerton Community. The team oversees live announcements, social media updates, and flyers. The Astros Announcement Team meets periodically during Flex and coordinates updates. We are always looking for new members to join our team.
    Email: [email protected]

  • Astros Media Club - Mrs. D. Koskela

  • Astros United- Mr. Mancinelli, Rm. 6203

    Coordinate a variety of fundraising events to benefit local community causes. The organization are CLM, Reach 1 Teach 1, Love 1, and NAMI.

    Interested students should email Mr. Mancinelli:[email protected]

  • Bike Club - Mr. Vaitones, Rm. 52

    Will be active in the fall and the spring, depending on interest.  Open to all levels of riding. There will be some bikes available for use. Club members will ride together once a week on roads and rail trials. The club may explore cyclocross and track riding, and training for challenge rides and bike trips.  We will also learn basic bicycle repair.
    Email: [email protected]

  • C-Change - Ms. Hult Rm 520

    C-Change is a club offered on campus, and our mission is simple. To maintain and grow a positive school climate at Pinkerton through youth participatory action research. Through data collection and analysis, members of C-Change set goals and action steps and carry out those steps to impact the climate and culture at Pinkerton Academy. Meeting in room 520.
    Email: [email protected]

  • Chess Club - Ms.Larkin, Ms. Botto Rm 6-120D

    Join the Chess Club, where chess players of all skill levels (including those who have never played before) can learn to play chess with their peers. The club meets on Tuesdays starting at 2:15 and running until 3:30. This club is a startup, so if you would like to grow with/have an influence over the future of a club, this is a potential place for you. If you decide to join, we hope you enjoy your time here!  Email: [email protected] or [email protected] 

  • Computer Club- Mr. Eno,  Rm. 5211

    Open to all students and faculty interested in computer gaming, programming, hardware or networking. A variety of peer-to-peer games are played on a LAN, such as World of Warcraft, Counter Strike, and Starcraft. Adobe Flash, VB, Game Maker, and Alice are some of the tools you can use to create your own game. Meetings are the 1st and 3rd Thursday/month from 2:20-3:20 p.m. This is a student-run club. Email: [email protected]

  • Crochet Group (Library Activity) - Mrs. Roddy

    Crochet Group is open to all skill levels with yarn and hooks provided. Please email [email protected] with any questions. 

  • CSI: Pinkerton Forensics Club - Mrs. Roy, Mrs. Greeb, Mrs. Shaw - Rm. 305

    Case Studies and local cases discussed by guest speakers. For more information please email [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected]

  • CTE Ambassador Program - Ms. Raudonis ~Students recommended by their teacher will meet in room. 5201

    The Pinkerton CTE Student Ambassadors work to raise awareness of and enrollment in the Career and Technical courses offered through the Pinkerton Academy Center for Career and Technical Education. Through their work, ambassadors will promote CTE programs (and supporting courses) to students and parents, increase awareness within the Region 17 communities and represent the Center for Career and Technical Education at Pinkerton Academy to the greater Community. It is the goal of our Ambassadors to make more students aware of the opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge needed to pursue meaningful careers following high school graduation through their participation in Career and Technical programs at Pinkerton CTE Center. Email: [email protected]

  • Critic (Yearbook)- Mr. Cain, Mr. Cremone, Rm. 415

    Pinkerton’s yearbook staff meets during the day and after-school hours. Students primary responsibility is to design, layout, photograph, and report on the school year through a comprehensive, thematic presentation. The meetings are also open to those students who cannot fit the course into their schedules but want to contribute. Membership is open to anyone interested. Email: [email protected]

  • Dance Club- Ms. Jastrem, Rm. 502 (Black Box Theatre)

    Dance Club is an inclusive dance performance organization that welcomes all dance genres and any student who loves to dance. Meetings/rehearsals are held on Mondays from 2:15-3:45 p.m., and we produce at least one major dance performance a year. Dance Club is a student-centered, student-driven organization that also does fundraising and community outreach. Email: [email protected]

  • Debate Club - Ms. Marsden

    A club for all students interested in learning about and actively participating in debate. Students will use speech and debate to learn to see both sides of an issue, to persuade, think creatively and to confidently communicate with any audience. Email: [email protected]

  • Destination Imagination - Ms. Walker

    Students learn creative problem solving skills through project based learning. Teams choose from a variety of challenges ranging from engineering to the fine arts. Students participate in local, state, and national competitions. For more information please email [email protected]

  • Educators Rising - Ms. Raudonis, Rm. 5201

    Our club seeks out students interested in working with their peers on leadership projects including community service.  Meetings are held on Thursdays. (Note: We alternate between morning and afternoon meetings at 6:45 a.m. or 2:30 p.m.) Email: [email protected]

  • Elementary Spanish Club- Mrs. Mireles

    Provides PA students an opportunity to use their language skills in the community as well as gives elementary students a little head start for language learning. It also helps PA students acquire leadership skills; they learn to have a voice as they gain confidence in implementing the lesson they created. Moreover, ESC gives students the opportunity to learn to collaborate with peers and teaches them patience as they work with young children. PA students get to reflect on their lessons and learn from them. In turn, they begin to appreciate their own teachers. Participants must provide their own transportation. Email: [email protected]

  • English Honor Society - Mr. Lemire

    EHS is open to any Pinkerton Academy student who has completed 2.0 credits in English, a minimum 90.0 GPA in English courses and an 88.0 overall (unweighted) GPA. EHS strives to provide service to Pinkerton Academy through the promotion of literacy and academic support. All members complete 15 hours of annual community service. For more information please email [email protected]

  • Environmental Club - Ms. Mize

    Members work on environmental activities through the school and community. Every year, the club volunteers for the national beach cleanup at Rye, NH, promotes recycling, and works on Earth Day activities. Meetings are held two Tuesdays/month. Dates to be announced. Email: [email protected]

  • Equestrian Club-Ms. J. Jorgensen

    We welcome anyone who loves horses: riders and non-riders!  Students will share their love of horses and learn a few things along the way!  Join us for our monthly meetings with guest speakers such as vets, nutritional specialists, farriers, and more.  We have something for every horse enthusiast! Please feel free to attend our meeting to find out more information! Email: [email protected]

  • Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)- Ms. J. Brown  Rm. 300

    A national career and technical student organization with the family as its central focus. FCCLA members participate in local/state/national activities that provide opportunities for community service and leadership. Activities may include the Blood Drive, Homecoming, College Fair; provide holiday gifts for needy children, and Valentines for nursing home residents; NH FCCLA Fall Rally and Spring Conference, FCCLA National Leadership Meeting. Meetings are held on Mondays. Email: [email protected] 

  • Future Farmers of America - Mrs. Hartlen-Mooers, Ms. Villandry

    FFA is a national leadership organization and as one of the oldest chapters at Pinkerton Academy, it offers students a chance to enhance their personal and professional skills. From learning more about environmental or animal science, to participating in interscholastic competitions, students will foster strong relationships with their peers and bring their academic learning to real world practice. Students may participate in chapter bonding experiences, leadership workshops, and state or national conventions. 

    For more information please email [email protected] or [email protected]

  • History Guild- Mrs. Maloney, Rm. 6306

    The History Guild is for students who like history and government! We watch historical movies/documentaries, students present on historical topics they are interested in, and we discuss and learn about exciting things in history and current events. At the end of the year, students can participate in National History Day, where students compete with other students around the state by creating a history project. We meet on Thursdays. Email: [email protected]

  • International Club - Ms. Flint

    The club promotes goodwill towards people of various cultures by participating in events, and hosting guest speakers, geography/cultural games/discussion groups.  A popular activity each fall is the International Dinner/Dance. The club sponsors an outreach project to provide funds/supplies to needy people around the world. The club meets the 2nd & 4th Thursday/month. Officers meet on the 3rd Tuesday/month. An outing/cultural event is planned for each month. Members are expected to participate in club fundraisers.
    Email: [email protected]

  • Intramural Athletic Program- Mr. Dewey

    This program provides an opportunity to participate in extracurricular athletic activities without the commitment of an entire athletic season. The program offers approximately 25 different events throughout the year, including the ever-popular school-wide dodgeball tournament. Intramural events are open to ALL Pinkerton students, regardless of skill level.

  • Investment Club -  Mr. Smith - Rm. 6-108b (Media Center)

    Mondays after school. 2:00-2:45 on a Bi-weekly basis.

    Investing Club is a club focused on learning the fundamentals of the Stock Market and Investing in general through teaching, experience, and peer presentations. The main focus of the club is a “Stock Market Game,” involving a long term online competition in which club members would work in groups to manage a simulated $100,000 portfolio following the real stock and bond market. Early on, direction will be given in order to ensure everyone learns how the stock market works including tips and strategies. Student centered learning, with students sharing research insights and debating ideas and predictions. A fun group for students interested in finance, while helping everyone learn more about the financial world.
    Email: [email protected]

  • Just Like Us -  Ms. DeBenedetto, Pounder Cafe (Academy Bldg.) 

    JLU creates a truly inclusive environment for all students involved. Our goal is: “To create and raise social acceptance and awareness for students with developmental disabilities at Pinkerton Academy.” Students both with and without disabilities interact together to create friendships and positive self-esteem. Members plan social as well as Pinkerton events such as Homecoming, Unified Field Day, Special Olympics, and other sporting events. Email:Ms. DeBenedetto

  • Leadership Council of Athletics (LCA)- Ms. Buskey, Mr. Sojka

    LCA is a group of 30-40 athletes whose mission is to promote athletics along with healthy lifestyle choices. The full council meets once/week during lunches. There are other events and meetings for individual sub-committees. Applications for the council are taken in the spring. Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

  • LGBTQ+  Alliance- Mr. Gagnon, Ms. Bourdeau, Rm. 435

    LGBT Alliance provides a fun, non-judgmental, confidential space for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and allies who wish to discuss current events/topics affecting the gay community. LGBT strives to promote a higher standard of tolerance and awareness in the community. LGBT meets twice/month on Fridays; everyone is welcome to join.
    Email: [email protected] 

  • Lunch Buddies- Mr. Conley

    Lunch Buddies eat and socialize with ACT students during their lunch and half studies. With their lunch buddies, students with special needs are fully included in one more aspect of their school day. Lunch buddies talk and/or help the students through the lunch line. The time commitment is Monday-Friday. Email: [email protected]

  • Manga (Library Activity)- Mrs. Roddy, Library

    Manga meets after school one day per week. The club has manga book discussions, drawing classes, anime viewing, LARPing, and other manga-themed games and activities.
    Email: [email protected]

  • Math Honor Society - Mr. Torro

    The goal of the Math Honor Society is to inspire and share an interest and enjoyment in mathematics. Recognize and award sophomores, juniors, and seniors who excel in math. Eligible students must have and maintain an overall, unweighted GPA of 88.0 and a math, unweighted GPA of 90.0, and have completed at least one credit of math. Rm. 6330 Email: [email protected]

  • Math Team- Mr. Savage, Ms. Tassinari, Rm. 6326

    This academic team competes with other schools in our league, in a state meet, and at times a New England meet. Pinkerton’s Math Team is comprised of A-level Geometry, Honors Algebra 2, Honors Pre-Calc., & Honors Calc. students. Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

  • Movie Club- Ms. Kraft, Ms. Spellman, Rm. 511

    Do you love watching movies and discussing them? We do too! Come by and watch films voted on by members and let's talk about them. Meetings are every Monday in room Z-511. Hope to see you there!

    Email: Ms. Kraft, Ms. Spellman

  • National Business Honor Society (NBHS) - Ms. Mazzola - Rm.510a

    For information please email [email protected]

  • PA Book Club - Mrs. Smith

    Members choose one book to read per month, and then discuss and review that book each month. Members also participate in trivia games, bullet journaling, and other fun activities. We meet the first Tuesday of each month, and welcome new members. Email: [email protected]

  • PA Car Club -Mr. Foskitt, Rm. 5109

    Is for anyone interested in the car culture. Attends many events (Go-carting, car meets) along with a project car to work on. Email: [email protected]

  • Photography Club- Ms. Tauer, Ms. Root, Rm. 514

    This club provides students with an outlet to experiment with photography and serves as a resource to gain more knowledge. The Photography Club creates an annual fundraising calendar of photographs taken by members. They also engage in a variety of activities including photo “scavenger hunts”, nature walks, workshops, guest speakers, and field trips.
    Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

  • Pinkerton Plant Club - Mrs. Chaplin, Ms. Savage - Rm. 240

    Plant Club meets on the first Tuesday of every month in the Science Building. The club grow plants from seeds and aims to help members extend their knowledge and experience with plants and greenhouse maintenance. For more information please email [email protected]  

  • Prayerful Generation -Advisors - Ms. Roers, Mrs. Rhodes

    A club for students to have access to a welcoming club that focuses on getting to know Christ while interacting and collaborating with others. Prayerful Generation is not just for Christians but for all students seeking better relationships and opportunities to contribute to community needs. Additionally, there is much to be learned from the faith of the young generation while diving deeper into faith, exploring what the world's challenges mean to us, and creating a Christian-based path forward that can give students the direction they need to achieve their best life. We are very open to students that are questioning, seeking, and exploring. 
    Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

  • Ski Club- Mr. Frank, Mr. Konstant, Mr. O’Neil, Rm. 104

    The Ski Club is open to all students regardless of experience level, from novice to expert. The club typically plans on 3-5  trips a season, with Friday night skiing in January/February and at least one overnight trip. Several meetings are held in the fall to choose officers and discuss trip destinations and an overnight trip. Ski/snowboard enthusiasts and newbies welcome! Visit the ski club homepage or email: [email protected].

  • Science Honor Society - Mr. Breda, Rm. 306

    Open to any student who will have at least 4.0 science credits at the end of the academic year with a 90% science GPA. Helps with Science Center Tutoring and providing science-related programs and activities to middle and elementary schools. Email: [email protected]

  • Sewing and Crafts Club - Ms. Spellman, Ms. Tremblay

    A club that will be open to all students interested in working on sewing and or textile projects. These projects could include sewing clothing and interior design applications such as wall hangings or quilting. Fiber arts could also be explored such as macrame, knitting, and crocheting, or other applications and as imagined by students in a supportive studio setting. We will meet every Thursday after school until 3:30. Email: [email protected]

    Students will have access to sewing materials as they are available but may need to also purchase their own supplies.

  • Spanish Club - Ms. Mireles - Rm.58

    Spanish Club is dedicated to exploring and celebrating the richness of Spanish culture. Activities include: arts and crafts, games, culinary events (traditional dishes) and field trips. Active member involvement is crucial to creating a dynamic environment where we can collectively immerse ourselves in Spanish langauge and culture! For more information please email [email protected]

  • Student Council- Mr. Breda, Rm. 306

    The objective is to set a good example of citizenship in the Pinkerton Academy community by providing a democratic forum for students to address the administration on school-related issues; provide general communication channels, and represent the student body in decision-making. The Student Council holds weekly meetings and offers social functions and community involvement projects for students as well as giving special recognition to outstanding students. Membership is based on class election. Email: [email protected]

  • Student Senate - Mr. Breda - Rm. 306

    Student Senate aims to collaborate with representatives from all clubs and organizations, promote cooperation between various campus groups, and provide a connection of student interests with the administration. Representatives are chosen through other clubs and organizations on campus and represent the student body in decision making.

    For more information please email [email protected]

  • TTRPG Club- Ms. Barnosky, Mrs. Gatti -  Library

    A club that meets once a week for role playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons. 

  • The Launchpad - Mr. Cain, Mr. Cremone Rm. 415

    The goal of this student-generated, monthly online news publication is to be the newspaper of record for the Pinkerton Academy community. This organization is an extension of Pinkerton’s journalism classes and membership is open to all interested students. Students' primary responsibility is to report and photograph vital information and newsworthy events for the Pinkerton community, as well as oversee the website's design and layout. Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month, from 2:15 - 2:45 p.m.
    Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

  • Tower Writers’ Guild (Literary Magazine)- Mr. Cook, Dr. Donnelly

    The Tower staff collects and reviews creative writing (poems, short stories, plays, essays) and visual art of Pinkerton Academy students, and creates a literary/visual magazine, the Tower, once or twice yearly, which is distributed/sold within the Pinkerton community. Meetings are held on Mondays, 2:30-3:30 p.m. Join our welcoming group of enthusiastic creative writers! New members are always welcome! Fundraising as needed. Email: [email protected] 

  • Transfer Mentor Group- Mrs. Albert, Mr. Walker, Ms. Gagnon, School Counseling Office (Low Bldg.)

    The Transfer Student Group is made up of teachers, guidance counselors, student mentors, and transfer students.  The group’s mission is to ease the adjustment for transfer students to Pinkerton by providing opportunities for new students to meet others and thus feel more comfortable here. The group meets on a regular basis during the day throughout the school year.  The student mentors serve as campus guides and mentors to the transfer students.  Many of the mentors transferred to Pinkerton as underclassmen.  They provide valuable insight into student life at Pinkerton Academy and what it means to be an Astro. Email: [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] 

  • World Language Honor Society (WLHS)- Ms. L. Mitchell , Rm. 56

    The purpose of FLHS is to acknowledge excellence for 3 years of foreign language study in one language. Students qualify by earning a 90 or better for each of their 3 years of language study.  Rather than a club that students can join, FLHS membership is an honor that students receive. Meetings are held as needed. Students are required to perform 10 hours of community service before they graduate. Students must take a 4th year of study in that language after their induction to wear an honor cord at graduation.
    Email: [email protected]

  • Youth & Government Club - Mr. Smith, Mr. Lecuyer

    The Youth & Government Program is a project in citizenship training designed to help high school students understand the process by which we make laws to govern ourselves through participation. If interested please email [email protected] 

  • American Sign Language Club (ASL)-  Mr. Otterson, Rm. 5326

    Promotes a fun way to learn and use American Sign Language outside of the classroom. Students do NOT have to be taking ASL to join the club. We sponsor several events, fundraisers, do community service, and help organize the annual ASL Workshop and a Signing Social. We play ASL games, watch ASL videos, and discuss Deaf Culture in a fun, relaxed environment. Email: Mr. Otterson

    Dues: $5

  • Art Club- Ms. Root, Ms. Hult, Rm. 514

    Provides students an opportunity to gather after school in a relaxed atmosphere to engage in a variety of arts/crafts activities: tie-dye t-shirts, printmaking, outdoor landscape drawing, clay, and more! Meetings are held twice/month on Tuesdays. Students can join at any time during the year.
    Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

    Dues: $10 for supplies

  • Classical Society-Mr. Olkovikas, Rm. 20

    Annually produces the “Stylus & Strigil”, a newsletter about Pinkerton's Latin program, and maintains and augments its antiquarium, an in-school museum of artifacts from the ancient Mediterranean, as well as a librarillum, a specialized, Classics-oriented library. The Classical Society enjoys films about antiquity, takes part in Classical trivia contests, and engages in myriad other activities, such as spoken Latin sessions, ancient Roman coin restoration and study, and papyrus-making. Classical Society historians research and document the history of the organization itself and members engage in outreach to middle school communities about the benefits of Latin study. Announced whole-Society meetings are held on an ad hoc basis. Participation in three or more events annually is required for basic membership. Membership is open to any student of the Academy. Dues: $10. Email: [email protected]

  • Design Club- Mrs. Copeland - Rm. 512

    A student-founded organization to unite and encourage students interested in all aspects of the fashion and design industry. Monthly meetings are studio work sessions providing opportunities to focus on trends, illustrations, and various design projects. Students are encouraged to create and display work for the annual Pinkerton Spring Art Exhibit. Dues: $10 for supplies. Email: [email protected]

    Dues: $10 for supplies

  • DECA- Ms. Snair, and Mr. Ramos - Rm. 40

    DECA’s objective is to support the development of marketing and management skills in career areas. Programs and activities are tailored to the specific career interest of students and include technical skills, basic scholastic and communication skills, human relations and employability skills, and a strong emphasis on economics and free enterprise. Monthly meetings are in one of the lecture halls. Email: [email protected]

    Dues: $30

    Vist the DECA Website

  • Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) - Mr. Crooker & Mrs. Harvey - Computer Room

    FBLA’s goal is to bring business and education together through leadership and career development programs. There are a variety of activities in which FBLA participates throughout the year. Members meet once a month.  Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

    Dues: $35

  • Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA)- Mrs. Canary, Rm. 6334

    HOSA is a student organization whose mission is to promote career opportunities in health care and enhance the delivery of quality health care. PA HOSA’s annual plan of work includes fundraising for medical charities such as Breast Cancer Research and volunteering at local long-term care facilities. Students raise money for HOSA scholarships, have team-building activities, and participate in competitive events relative to healthcare activities and knowledge. HOSA students can participate in two NH HOSA State Leadership Conferences (Fall and Spring), and if they qualify, can go to the International HOSA Conference.  HOSA students have general meetings on the second Tuesday/month, and officer meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month. Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

    Dues: $20

  • National Honor Society (NHS)- Mrs. Lemire, Rm. 440

    NHS was founded in 1921 to create an organization that would recognize and encourage academic achievement while also developing other characteristics essential to citizens in a democracy: character, scholarship, leadership, and service. Through service activities, (candy sales, supporting the Derry News Santa Fund, individual service projects, assist administration with Freshman Orientation Day/Course Night) members maintain and extend the qualities that earned them selection. Officers meet regularly as required; member meetings are held for newly selected juniors and seniors in the fall; other meetings are held prior to induction in spring. The NHS Aspen page and email are the main sources of communication. Eligible juniors and seniors are considered for membership by the Faculty Selection Committee in the fall; students do not apply for membership.
    Email: [email protected]

    Dues: $20

  • National Technical Honor Society (NTHS)- Mr. D. Earle, CTE Office

    NTHS provides the opportunity to recognize and reward a group of students with outstanding character, commitment, and accomplishment whose academic prowess is best demonstrated in the career & technical laboratory. Activities include assisting with the open house and helping with the Career Awareness Night. Members must maintain a minimum weighted GPA of 80 in all classes with a 90 average or above in the career and tech programs after 5 quarters. Visit
    Email: [email protected]

    Dues: $35

  • PA Key Club - Mrs. Nolan, Rm. 337

    Key Club is a student-led service-based organization open to all students with a goal of promoting leadership and helping the community. Key Club is the largest and oldest service organization for teens present in many schools globally and officially recognized by the Kiwanis service organization. Weekly meetings/Mondays after school.
    Email: [email protected]

    Dues: $15

  • PALS - Mrs. Spinelli, Ms. McAvoy, Academy Lecture Hall

    Pinkerton & Little Students is an organization that pairs high school students with elementary students from Derry elementary schools. Students must make a commitment to the club and to their elementary school little buddies. Sign-ups are in September. Meetings are held at each school (E. Derry, Derry Village, South Range, Grinnell, and Barka) once a month. There is an application process to join. Full club meetings are held monthly.
    Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

    Dues: $15

  • Pinkerton Players-  Mr. Lemire, and Ms. Liff, Ms. Mayers Chorus Room

    The Pinkerton Players is open to ALL students interested in any aspect of theatre: acting, singing, dancing, directing, costumes, and makeup, stage management, set construction, and light and sound. The Players offer workshops, fun activities, field trips, and its most important mission, producing the fall play, winter play, and spring musical. Every other year, the Players compete in the NHETG Regional Theatre Festival.  Join and enjoy a complete theatrical experience! Meetings are on the first Tuesday of each month and take place in the Chorus room at 2:30 pm.
    Email: [email protected]

    Dues: $5

  • SkillsUSA - Mrs. Koskela - Rm. 5211

    CTE and college-bound students interested in competing in their program area or a leadership area need to join SkillsUSA. Beyond competing and winning prizes/scholarships, students gain leadership experience and make community connections via community service. This is a great way to network with businesses for future careers. Optional monthly meetings are on second Thursday/month, 2:20-3:00. Membership is 100+ CTE students and faculty. Students must be members to compete.
    Email: [email protected] 

    Dues: $30

  • Social Studies Honor Society - Ms. Flint

    The Social Studies Honor Society is open to students who meet the following criteria: Junior or Senior, 88 (unweighted) overall GPA, 90 (unweighted) GPA in social studies classes, attended Pinkerton for at least one semester, 1.5 credits in social studies (American Government, Cultural Geography, World History, Economics, etc.), and must be enrolled in a social studies course at time of membership. This honor society will require the following commitments: community service (10 hours) and dues ($10). 

     For more information please email [email protected]

  • STEM Club - Mrs. Kreatz, Mrs. Goyetch, Rm. 6-210

    The STEM Club provides opportunities for students to get together and explore different science experiments outside the classroom. At monthly meetings, students discuss an experiment they would like to conduct, develop a plan, and carry out the experiment under the watchful eyes of the advisors. 
    Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

    Dues: $10 for supplies.

  • VEX Robotics- Mr. Biron, Mr. Vitale, Rm. 4202

    VEX Robotics is the fastest-growing robotics competition in the world with over 24,000 teams in over 48 countries. The 10 Pinkerton robotics teams each design and build a complex robot to meet changing game rules yearly, and compete in 5-6 competitions beginning in October with the goal of qualifying for one of the 750 high school spots at the Worlds event in the spring. Programming, building, organization, and engineering principles are all incorporated and a vital component to winning the highest awards. Meetings are in the Annex Building, every Tuesday & Thursday 2:30-5:00 p.m. Two fundraisers are held each year.
    Email: [email protected] 

    Dues: $75 to offset competition costs + each member gets a VEX Robotics T-shirt