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Our Head of School
Dr. Timothy J. Powers
Head of School
Office: Pinkerton Hall Room 14
Telephone: (603) 437-5200 Ext. 3101
Email Dr. Powers
Ed. D., Walden University; CAGS, Southern New Hampshire University; M. Ed., Walden University; B.A., St. Anselm College
Supervises the overall operation of the school.
Executive Assistant: Mrs. Linda Desmarais
Senior Administration
Mr. Michael Perez
associate head of school
Office: Pinkerton Hall Room 17
Telephone: (603) 437-5200 Ext. 2112
M.S. Ed., New England College; B.A., Notre Dame College
Responsible for the daily operation of campus: student/parent discipline issues, athletics, student activities, and events.
Assistant to the Associate Head of School: Ms. Brianne Puls
Mrs. Heather Barrieau
Dean of support Services
Office: Low Career & Technical Education Building Room 5-306
Telephone: (603) 437-5200 Ext. 1135
M. Ed., Southern New Hampshire University; M.S.W., University of New Hampshire; B.A., University of New Hampshire
Responsible for the oversight and coordination of Special Education, Section 504, School Counseling, English Language Learners, and Health Office.
Administrative Assistant: Ms. Durazzano-Smith
Ms. Peg Dolan
chief financial officer
Office: Stearns House
Telephone: (603) 437-5200 Ext. 3113
MBA, Southern New Hampshire University; B.S., University of New Hampshire
Responsible for the financial operations of the Academy, as well as the management of facilities, food services, events management, and the Stockbridge Theatre.
Mr. Derek Lee
Dean of Academics
Office: Pinkerton Hall
Telephone: (603) 437-5200 Ext. 2108
M. Ed., Rivier University; B.S., Keene State College
Responsible for scheduling, working with Department Heads in program and curriculum development, overseeing the state assessment program, implementing state standards, and managing all federal funds programs.
Assistant to the Dean: Mrs. Cheryl Turner
Dr. Jennifer Resmini
Dean of Faculty
Office: Pinkerton Hall Room 19
Telephone: (603) 437-5200 Ext. 2110
Email Dr. Resmini
Ed. D., Rivier University; M.A., UMass Boston; B.A., Rivier University
Responsible for hiring, evaluation and supervision of all professional staff, mentor program, and professional development.
Assistant to the Dean: Ms. Kaitie Barry
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Deborah Russell
Mrs. Stacey Silva
chief Human Resources officer
Office: Stearns House
Telephone: (603) 437-5200 Ext. 3110
MPA, University of NH; B.S., Granite State College
Responsible for recruitment, hiring, employee relations and benefits.
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Brenda Adams-Craft