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Scholarship & Awards
Each year, hundreds of annual and endowed scholarships are available to graduating Pinkerton students thanks to the incredible generosity of many donors and local organizations. Please read below for important dates and information for parents/guardians and seniors, and scholarship donors.
Scholarship timeline - 2024-2025
January 2, 2025 - Deadline for donors to opt out of annual scholarships and awards
January 2025 - All scholarship applications are posted in Naviance for seniors to apply to, and added to website with links to apply
April 1, 2025 - Deadline for all Pinkerton-selected scholarship and award applications; funding for all annual scholarships and awards is due
June 12, 2025 - Senior Awards Night
Information for Parents & Seniors
There are many types of scholarships available to seniors. The full list of local, regional, and national scholarships can be found in the students’ Naviance accounts. Students who have questions about the scholarship process should contact their school counselor, email [email protected], or call ext. 1181.
Where can I find scholarships only available to Pinkerton students?
Please click here to view the full list of Pinkerton scholarships. Students can view a full list of local/regional and national scholarships in the students’ Naviance account.
What is the deadline to apply for scholarships?
Please refer to the applications for deadlines. The majority of Pinkerton-specific applications are due by April 1, however, there are several with different deadlines.
When are scholarships awarded?
Scholarships and awards are announced at Pinkerton’s Senior Awards Night, which is held the Thursday before commencement. Instructions on how to collect the funds are included in each packet.
Who selects the scholarship and award recipients?
The majority of our scholarships are selected by Pinkerton’s Senior Award Committee, which consists of representatives from each department, school counselors, and extracurricular advisors and coaches. Other recipients are selected by scholarship donors.
Who do I contact for a copy of my transcript to be used for scholarship purposes?
If an application requires an official transcript or letter of recommendation, students must complete a green transcript release form, available in the School Counseling Office.
Information for Scholarship Donors
Thank you for your interest in supporting Pinkerton students! Below are frequently asked questions and important information on establishing a scholarship for graduating Pinkerton students.
Endowed Scholarships
For more information on how to establish an endowed scholarship with Pinkerton Academy, please email [email protected] or 603-437-5200 x 5140.
Annual Scholarships
Many frequently asked questions regarding establishing annual scholarships are provided below. If you need more information, please email [email protected].
How do I establish an annual scholarship or award for Pinkerton seniors?
Please complete the Scholarship Form and send it to [email protected].
What is the minimum award or scholarship amount required to establish a scholarship?
There is no minimum amount to establish an annual award or scholarship.
How are the scholarship and award recipients selected?
The majority of our scholarships are selected by Pinkerton’s Senior Award Committee, which consists of representatives from each department, school counselors, and extracurricular advisors and coaches.
If you would like to select the recipient of your scholarship, applications will be sent directly to you. Please provide an email or physical address for students to send their applications to.
When are the funds due for annual scholarships and awards?
Please send funding for annual scholarships and awards by April 1, 2024.
Payment can be sent by check made payable to Pinkerton Academy, or made online at /support/give-now.
Can I attend the Senior Awards Night to meet the recipient of my scholarship or award?
Scholarship and award donors are welcome to attend Pinkerton’s Senior Awards Night. Due to the size of our graduating class and the volume of awards, student names are announced during the program by the Pinkerton administration, and scholarship packets and information are distributed at the end of the evening.
Please notify Brianne Puls if you plan to attend and we will do our best to facilitate a meeting with your student.
Does my scholarship or award need an application? How do I create one?
Applications are not required. If you would like to include an application for your award or scholarship, please note on the Scholarship Form.
I am selecting my scholarship or award recipient myself - who do I send the recipient’s name to?
Scholarship or award recipients must be selected by May 1, 2024. Please send selections to [email protected].
My scholarship is not specifically for Pinkerton students, can it be announced at the Senior Awards Night?
Yes, if a Pinkerton student is the recipient of outside awards or scholarships and you wish for it to be announced at the Senior Awards Night, please email [email protected] by May 1, 2024.