- About the Academy
- Administration
- Annual Report
- Awards & Recognition
- Board of Trustees
- Business and Community Connections
- Calendars
- Communications
- Compliance (Policies)
- Current 8th Graders
- Directory
- History
- Mission & Vision
- Pinkerton News
- Social Studies Wing -- Building Project
- Start Time Committee Information
- Strategic Plan
- Technology
- Academics
- Admissions
- Alumni
- Athletics
- Careers
- Clubs & Activities
- Stockbridge Theatre
Who Should I Contact?
If you are calling regarding attendance:
Teams Apollo & Mercury: Courtney Conomacos x 1174 - email
Teams Gemini & Orion: Beth Daneau x 1157- email
If you have classroom/teacher questions or concerns:
Please contact the teacher directly via email or through Aspen.
(Teachers do not have outside phones in their rooms, so email is preferred)
* If there is a concern with a class/teacher, please do speak with the teacher before seeking out the Department Head *
If you are calling regarding student life, conduct, or other student concerns:
Teams Apollo & Mercury: Jon Rich x1174 - email
Teams Gemini & Orion: Jay Gagnon x1157 - email
If you have questions regarding schedules, course selection, or other school counseling concerns:
Team Apollo: Jacob Gray x 1221- email
Team Orion: Brianna Delahunty x 1129- email
Team Gemini: Kailey Johnson x 1210- email
Team Mercury: Jennifer Martz x 2161- email
* There are a few students who are "off-team" for their counselor - please check Aspen for your student's counselor *
If you have questions regarding athletics or intermurals:
Please contact Dean Squires/Athletic Office directly at x 2115 - email
If you need to update your contact information:
Please contact Kevin McGrath/Registrar directly at x 1177 - email
If you need help with or have questions about Aspen:
Please contact the Student Information Services department - email
If you have medical concerns:
Please contact the Health Office at x 2118 - email