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HOSA Earns Individual and Team Accolades

April 6th, 2023

On Saturday, March 25,  2023, 26 students from Pinkerton's chapter of HOSA, Future Health Professionals, attended the NH HOSA State Leadership Conference at Concord High School. Students attended workshops and were able to network with their peers; in addition, they participated in competitive events. They have been preparing for these events since November.  Nineteen students were awarded medals  (listed below) and are eligible to attend the NH HOSA International Leadership Conference in Dallas, TX this coming June. 

Team events, Gold:                    
Brecheen, Audrey      Gold   HOSA bowl   
Dennehy, Emma        Gold   HOSA bowl 
Lonnroth, Izzy            Gold   HOSA bowl 
Muchai, Leilani          Gold   HOSA bowl 
Carney, Aili                 Gold   EMT
Convey, Sofia             Gold   EMT

Individual events, Gold                
Amirault, Lenora        Gold   Human growth and development
Calvert, Taylor            Gold   Sports medicine
Jesmer, Chloe            Gold   Nursing assistant
Kelly, Riley                   Gold   Dental terminology
Richards, MaGyver    Gold   Organizational Leadership

Team events, Silver:             
Barnhart, Kylie            Silver Public service announcement
Michaud, Kennedy     Silver Public service announcement
Morneau, Hailey         Silver Public service announcement
Sirois, Kaitlyn              Silver Public service announcement

Individual events, Silver              
Navarro, Matthew       Silver Researched Persuasive writing/speaking

Individual events, Bronze            
Antinerella, Sophia    Bronze   Nursing assistant
Forand, Sarah             Bronze   Behavioral health
Zenga, Olivia               Bronze   Nutrition