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Soft interaction with industry delivers big results for students

January 19th, 2023

Pinkerton Academy’s Choices in Education (P.A.C.E.) hosted its largest industry meet and greet in five years. The event is a “soft” introduction to workforce professionals for students of all academic levels and is open to students in secondary schools, or homeschoolers, throughout Southern New Hampshire. The networking event specifically trains students how to engage with industry professionals in a social setting while articulating their career aspirations.  

The event delivered results with students making industry connections; in some cases, students had onsite interviews scheduled on the spot.   

“This event is wonderful, especially for nervous students who don't have much interview experience to get a feel for what it's like and have the opportunity to just shake off those nerves!” said Whitney Leyland, Program Director at the YMCA Camp Lincoln. “I also appreciate the diligence and thoroughness of the questions asked by students who clearly did their research about our organization and had a specific quote from our mission statement asking how we put it into practice.”