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Skills USA Winners

March 24th, 2023

On Saturday March 18, 2023 the SkillsUSA State conference was held at Kingswood Regional Art Center in Wolfeboro, NH. Awards were presented for competitions held across the state in February and March and 28 Pinkerton Students were among the outstanding group of winners.

In total, more than 60 Pinkerton students faced off in various competitions throughout the competition cycle.They competed in 15 different competitions representing a wide variety of Pinkerton CTE programs. Program teachers who supported their students included; Donna Smith, Keith Desjardins, Mike Eno, Nathan Phillips, Dudley Hodgkinson and Leanne Cobb.

The list of winners include:

Gold Winners
Megan Proulx - Computer Programming
Ian Bowen - Digital Cinema Production
Hope Frost - Digital Cinema Production
Ryan DelVecchio - Electrical Construction Wiring
Cody Santomassimo - Extemporaneous Speaking
Ryan Bloom - Industrial Motor Control
Clayton Bowie - Information Technology Services
Finn Christensen- Kraft - Internetworking
Maddison Campbel - Telecommunications Cabling

Silver Winners
Sophie Martinage - Architectural Drafting
Riley Hildebrant - Electrical Construction Wiring
Tyrin Meranda - Industrial Motor Control
Connor Schuler - Information Technology Services
Max Yakubovich - Internetworking
Thomas Phillips - Technical Computer Applications
Michael Boutin - Telecommunications Cabling
Matt Dion - Welding Sculpture

Bronze Winners
Aidan Shields - Computer Program
Angela Garcia - Culinary Arts
Grace Mack - Digital Cinema Production
Kyra Sturdivant - Digital Cinema Production
Connor Trenholm - Electrical Construction Wiring
Zach Viger - Industrial Motor Control
Nik Hoenig - Technical Computer Applications
Ted Pocrass - Telecommunications Cabling
Thomas Lambert - TV Production
Emma Burgos - TV Production
Halle Perry - Welding Sculpture

We could be adding more to this list, as the last competition for Cosmetology takes place on April 2nd. We congratulate these students and their program teachers for their hard work and dedication. We look forward to our gold medal winners representing Pinkerton Academy at the National SkillsUSA conference and competition June 19- 25th in Atlanta, GA.