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Weekly Update 5/19/23

May 19th, 2023 by Tim Powers

Good afternoon,

In April, Pinkerton DECA brought 24 students to compete at the annual International Career Development Conference (ICDC) in Orlando, Florida. Over 22,000 students from around the world earned a place at ICDC to compete for DECA's highest honors. New Hampshire DECA brought nearly 200 students who earned a combined eight awards, three of which were earned by Pinkerton students! Congratulations to the following students:  Delaney Petri: Top 20 International Finalist - Hotel & Lodging Management, Jacob Lebroda: Top 20 International Finalist- Financial Literacy Promotion, and Hailey Beaudoin: International Medalist- Restaurant & Food Service Management.

Interested in traveling and learning more about another culture? See Mrs. Littlefield and find out about the German Exchange Program! Email her at [email protected].

Last weekend, our Leadership Council of Athletics organized a cornhole tournament to raise money for mental health initiatives on campus. They raised over $500 with 32 teams competing. Ethan Johnston and Campbell St. Pierre were the winners, but everyone who participated should be proud to support such a great cause! 

This weekend several members of our Equestrian Team are competing in their state competition. Good luck to all of the Pinkerton riders!

Next week you can catch the Faculty Play It’s a Madhouse on Thursday and Friday, May 25-26 at 7:00 PM in the Stockbridge Theatre. Tickets are $10 and go entirely to support student scholarships. You won’t want to miss this hysterical Pinkerton tradition.

Saturday is our junior prom, and the junior class officers, prom committee, and advisors have been hard at work preparing for this special day. Earlier this week, our prevention specialist, Mrs. Donovan, sent an email with important reminders about safety. We want all of our students to have a great time and to be safe. 

Have a good weekend.


Dr. Timothy J. Powers
Head of School