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Weekly Update 5/12/23

May 12th, 2023 by Tim Powers

Good afternoon,

Ms. Smith’s Level 2 Video Production students have been hard at work the last few weeks working on films to enter into the NH High School Short Film Festival. The festival has been going for more than 20 years and is open to high school filmmakers from around the state. Only 20 films of the 71 entries were chosen for screening. I'm happy to report that 2 films from our class were chosen to be screened at this year's festival. They are "Closed Circuit" by Grace Mack ’24 and "Between the Lines" by Lucas Mayer, Patrick Waldron, Noah Lopshire, James Kelleher, and Michael Follo all members of the Class of ’23. The festival takes place May 21st at Chunky's Cinema Pub from 11 am - 2 pm. Students will get to see their film on the "Big Screen" and 3 of the films will be recognized as the best of the festival. The public is welcome to attend. You can view all 4 of the films Pinkerton entered on our Youtube page. Congratulations and good luck to these students.

On Monday, May 8th, students were inducted into the first Pinkerton Academy Math and Science Honor Societies. Thirty-nine students were inducted into Pinkerton's Science Honor Society.  These students earned an unweighted science average of 90 and an overall unweighted GPA of 88.  The inductees also completed a minimum of 15 science/technology service hours, including visiting 2 elementary schools this year to spark interest in STEM. 55 students were inducted into Pinkerton's first Math Honor Society.  These students earned an unweighted Math average of 90 and an overall unweighted GPA of 88.  Along with being excellent students, these inductees completed a minimum of 10 hours of guiding and mentoring other students in math. You can find a complete list of the inductees on our website. Congratulations to these students!

On Tuesday night, the Pinkerton Players held their second annual Community & Theater Making. This is a night of plays about mental health issues that are written, acted, directed, and produced by students. Proceeds from the night will go to NAMI NH to support mental health programs. We are so proud of the students who participated in this important event. 

On Wednesday night 104 students were inducted into Pinkerton’s chapter of the National Honor Society. For a complete list of inductees, visit our website. Congratulations to all of these students.

Recently, Mr. Lee sent out information regarding the schedule for May 16th to accommodate Junior Science testing. You can find a link to each letter on the Assessment section of the website.

This week, Mrs. Tartarilla sent home 2 important emails. Please be sure to review the information carefully. Also, the Senior Class Officers have been busy planning some great events leading up to graduation. Seniors may purchase Senior Banquet and Senior Cookout tickets on MySchoolBucks until May 18. All ticket sales will be closed after that date. Seniors, purchase your tickets now, and join the Class of 2023 celebration!

To all of the mothers and mother figures in our lives, Happy Mother’s Day. Have a good weekend.


Dr. Timothy J. Powers
Head of School