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Weekly Update - 3/24/23

March 24th, 2023 by Tim Powers

Good afternoon,

This past Saturday our JROTC Drill Team competed in the final competition of the year.  They won first place in the meet and were then crowned League Champions.  Congratulations go out to all the cadets, their Commander Maddy Lund, and their coach Chief Ted Hebert.

Also this past Saturday, the SkillsUSA State conference was held at Kingswood Regional Art Center in Wolfeboro, NH. Awards were presented for competitions held across the state in February and March. There were 28 Pinkerton students in the outstanding group of winners.

In total, more than 60 Pinkerton students faced off in various competitions throughout the competition cycle. They competed in 15 different competitions representing a wide variety of Pinkerton CTE programs. Program teachers who supported these students included; Donna Smith, Keith Desjardins, Mike Eno, Nathan Phillips, Dudley, and Leanne Cobb. Cosmetology will compete on April 2nd supported by Keryl Reid Rabideau.

You can find a list of winners on our website. They will go on to represent Pinkerton Academy at the National SkillsUSA conference and competition in Atlanta, GA, in June. We congratulate these students and their program teachers for their hard work and dedication.

On Thursday of this week, students in 9-11th grades took the PSAT or SAT, while seniors participated in Seniorpalooza. This event brought in many local businesses who are looking to hire our students and also featured a guest speaker and simulation of distracted driving. Thank you to all of our community partners and Pinkerton staff who worked to make this event happen for our students. 

This weekend the Pinkerton Players will perform Anastasia for what is the NH premiere of the show. The cast, crew, and Pinkerton staff have been hard at work preparing to put on an amazing show. Get your tickets here.

Have a good weekend.


Dr. Timothy J. Powers
Head of School