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Weekly Update - 2/3/23

February 3rd, 2023 by Tim Powers

Good afternoon,

Semester 2 is underway and many students have new classes while others continue on in ones from the first semester. Either way, it is exciting to see our students building on daily learning. On Monday, report cards will be available for students and their families.

Punxsutawney Phil seeing his shadow on Thursday might mean 6 more weeks of winter, but the events and athletic calendar are getting busier. This weekend, the scholastic art show remains on display in the lobby of the Stockbridge Theatre while the Jazz Festival takes part in the theater. Also this month we have the student council dance, honor society induction, and a few class events while athletic teams finish out the regular season and enter tournament play. 

Mr. Olkovikas shared great news from the Classical Society’s recent trip to New York: Fresh from a splendid, Classics-themed trip to NYC, Pinkerton's young Latinists returned to find an inbox full of awards! On the National Classical Etymology Exam, Karter Hanley earned a bronze medal; Laurel Charron silver; Tyler Abrantes, Maura Covino, Sarah King, and Mīra Kondor gold! On the National Roman Civilization Exam, Karter Hanley and Sarah King earned bronze medals; Tyler Abrantes and Alexander Hasberg silver; and Maura Covino and Mīra Kondor gold! Last, on the New Hampshire state level of the Classical Association of New England's annual essay contest, Sarah King placed 2nd & Maura Covino 1st!   

Have a good weekend.


Dr. Timothy J. Powers
Head of School