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Weekly Update 5/26/23

May 26th, 2023 by Tim Powers

Good afternoon,

We are proud to share that Pinkerton Academy students dominated the NH High School Short Film Festival this past weekend! Pinkerton students submitted 4 films, and 2 were chosen to be screened at the festival making them eligible for top honors. In total, more than 70 films from around the state were submitted, so simply being chosen to be screened was an honor. Congratulations to Grace Mack ’24, for her film "Closed Circuit" being named "Best of the Best" and James Kelleher ’23, Mike Follo ’23, Patrick Waldron ’23, Noah Lopshire ’23, and Lucas Mayer ’23 who were the first runners-up, for their film "Between the Lines." You can watch a video of the winners being announced here.

Junior Tom LaCroix recently won the Guardians of the Granite State competition put on by the NH National Guard, NH State Police, and NH Interscholastic Athletic Association. The participants endure 6 physical challenges, testing their fitness. A member of the wrestling and track team, Tom won a $500 scholarship and plans to participate again next year. He was interviewed by WMUR about the day. Check it out here:  High school students try to become "Guardians of the Granite State"

A few weeks back, the Classical Society participated in the New Hampshire Junior Classical League's annual Forum convention at St. Paul's School in Concord. PA's Latinists came away with many awards and achievements! Our novice Certāmen team (Etienne Follomon, Ash Reno, Noelle Touma, Bridget Williams) placed 3rd in the state, with our intermediate and advanced teams placing 1st (Tyler Abrantes, Maura Covino, Ellie Grover, Aubrey Guevara; Karter Hanley, S. King, Mīra Kondor). As our charioteering team (!!) surpassed all others, Maura, S. King, Bridget, Mīra, & Tyler all additionally garnered awards in tests of Latin grammar & vocabulary, myth, culture, art, and creative writing. In the end, Pinkerton tied for 1st in overall showing in the state. Congratulations to these students and to their advisors Mr. Olkovikas and Ms. Smith!

As we near the end of the school, there are many accolades and awards that our students and staff will be recognized with. Earlier this month, Steve Sackman was awarded the New England Association of Woodworking Teachers, Teacher of the Year. It was great for Mr. Sackman’s dedication to our students and the work he has done to be recognized by his peers. Be sure to follow our social media to see the updates of these awards and recognitions. 

Students in Mr. Sojka's Contemporary Issues class participated in a community cleanup on Friday, May 5th. Thanks to these students for stepping up to keep our community looking good! 

This weekend we observe Memorial Day on Monday, May 29th. On this day we honor the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. The day originated in the years following the Civil War, and in 1971 it became a federal holiday, changing from being called Decoration Day to Memorial Day. While we all enjoy the long weekend, it is important to remember why we have it and honor the memories of these men and women. 

With this weekend being the unofficial start to summer, it is hard to believe that there are just over 3 weeks left in the school year. As classes begin to wrap up and exams start, let’s finish the school year strong. Have a good weekend!


Dr. Timothy J. Powers
Head of School