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Weekly Update - 10/14/22

October 14th, 2022 by Tim Powers

Good afternoon,

October ends with Halloween and throughout the month, those themes pop up in different things we are involved in. A group of students in Mrs. Smith’s Video 2 class is working to create a horror film and  Monday morning, I was able to spend some time with them during filming. Seeing the students in action, bouncing ideas off of each other, listening, evaluating, and changing their plan, showed how much they have learned in that class but also in their other classes. While the final product is a few weeks away, their work is another example of how students are challenged in the classroom and pull learning from across disciplines to complete a project. 

Last week we were informed that our AFJROTC program has achieved Cognia Accreditation. Cognia is the largest global accreditation body and this demonstrates that our AFJROTC program has met the “high bar” performance standards of quality and academic excellence. We are proud of the work that our instructors have done in the classroom and the dedication of our students to achieve this success. Congratulations!

Progress reports will be posted on November 8th. Please check to see where some additional support may be needed. Now is the time for students to utilize Flex periods, Directed Study Hall, or the Math, English, or Science centers for extra help. 

The fall athletic seasons are winding down over the coming weeks. Please be sure to follow our social media for updates as they enter into tournament action. Many of our clubs and activities are also gearing up for fall events and planning for winter ones. Events can be found on our website and across social media. As the school year progresses, we continue to encourage our students to get involved in different activities and events. 

Tonight, the town of Hooksett honors its citizen of the year. This year, Cawley Middle School principal, Mr. Matt Benson is the recipient of this recognition. Hooksett students are fortunate to have Mr. Benson and as a result, we are too. Congratulations on this recognition to Mr. Benson, Cawley Middle School, and the Hooksett community for selecting an outstanding individual for this recognition. 

Enjoy the weekend. 


Dr. Timothy J. Powers