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Weekly Update - 9/11 Remembrance and Start of Classes

September 9th, 2022 by Tim Powers

Good afternoon,

There is nothing like the energy of having our entire student body back on campus. As I told my FLEX group this week, that first day of school with everyone back is one I look forward to in the quiet of the summer. It’s great to see students and staff reconnecting after summer break and the learning that is taking place already in classes. Fall activities are in full swing, so be sure to check the website for what is happening on campus. I look forward to seeing you at different events.

This morning, our Air Force JROTC cadets held a remembrance ceremony for 9/11. The cadets reminded us about the events of the day and the impact that it has had on our lives since. They honored those lost with a moment of silence. Thank you to the cadets and their instructors for having this important annual event.

Next week we have two of our oldest traditions: the Freshman Reception on Thursday, 9/15, and the Senior Corn Roast on Saturday, 9/17. These events are special to our history and celebrate our school. If you have any questions on either of these events, contact Jen Brown. 

Parents and guardians, please be sure you have completed the Health History and Consent to Treat Form. In order to be seen and treated by a school nurse, all students must have this form completed. You can find it and more information from Health Services on the website under the Students’ or Parents’ menus.

Have a good weekend.


Dr. Timothy J. Powers