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Welcome Back!

September 1st, 2022 by Tim Powers

Good afternoon,

Summertime was an excellent opportunity to reset our campus, and our Buildings & Grounds staff did a fantastic job preparing it for the new year. However, as nice as it was to have some downtime, there’s nothing like having everyone back on campus. From all employees returning on Monday to having each class join us on Wednesday and Thursday, the campus this week has been a buzz of excitement for the new school year. The past two days have allowed us to have full class assemblies, and given students the opportunity to find their classes, meet their teachers, and see friends they may not have seen for a few months. 

As we have in the past, we will continue to communicate with you at the end of each week. These communications will be posted on our newly redesigned website under the Headmaster’s Blog. We hope that you will utilize this and the rest of our website to find important information, who to contact, upcoming events, and much more throughout the year. 

Fall sports, band, student council, and many other clubs and activities have already begun. The campus is full of activities and this will be a busy fall season. Fall is one of the best times to be on campus, and we hope that you will join us for a game, play, or some event. I hope that everyone enjoys the long weekend and, I look forward to seeing everyone back on campus on Tuesday. 


Dr. Timothy J. Powers