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Weekly Update 12/2/22

December 2nd, 2022 by Tim Powers

Good afternoon,

The final month of 2022 is upon us and the activities and accomplishments of our campus have continued. AFJROTC competed in their first drill meet on Sunday, November 20th finishing first. They won 5 out of 7 of the team events and placed in all 3 individual events. The program also underwent an external assessment in October with a Headquarters AFJROTC representative visiting the school.  The program earned the highest possible rating, “exceeds standards.” Additionally, Junior Cadet Calvin Plante won the Derry Post Voice of Democracy Oratorical contest and will go on to compete at the district level while instructor CMSgt Ted Hebert was named Derry VFW Post High School Teacher of the Year and will also go on to a district level competition. Congratulations to the AFJROTC program for being recognized in these ways!

This weekend the Pinkerton Players bring Clue! to the Stockbridge Theatre stage. Shows are Friday and Saturday at 7:00 pm or Sunday at 2:00 pm. The student actors and stage crew have been working hard, and it will be a great show. Get your tickets here

Walking through the campus, it is inspiring to see classes moving beyond the classroom in their learning and taking advantage of different aspects of our campus to enhance the educational experience. This week, students in US History classes took part in the Ellis Island simulation, a collaborative event between faculty in the Social Studies and World Languages departments. Students were able to experience a modeled recreation of what many of our ancestors went through coming to America. 

Grant funding is supporting upgrades to the lighting in our Video Production studio that will bring it to a broadcast-quality level. We are proud of the many opportunities for our students to learn skills that develop into careers, hobbies, or further their interests and are grateful for every investment in the educational spaces and support for our students.

You can help support what you love about Pinkerton on our second annual Day of Giving this Monday, December 5th. We encourage all members of our community to follow our efforts on social media and to consider giving a gift that day. You can learn more about our Day of Giving or give a gift here.

Enjoy the weekend. 


Dr. Timothy J. Powers
Head of School