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Weekly Update - 1/20/23

January 20th, 2023 by Tim Powers

Good afternoon,

It seems that we are in for a few days of winter weather this coming week. During exam week any weather-related days would be snow days with no remote work to be done. If we have a snow day, the missed exams will occur the day we return, and the remaining exams will follow the original pattern. No matter what changes might come, Friday will remain a Professional Learning Day with no school for Pinkerton students. Exams would extend into the week of 1/30 if there is a cancellation, and an updated schedule will be sent. 

As a reminder, here is the current Exam Schedule.

The NH Scholastic Arts awards were recently announced, and 23 Pinkerton students were recognized for their work, including Gold Key award winners sophomores Elle Morrow, Isabelle Neill, and Nora Robichaud. Silver Key awards were presented to seniors Sarah King, Kyra Sturdivant, and Sophie Kuc as well as juniors Jayden Sullivan and Ava Wilson-Audet. Honorable Mention awards were given to seniors Annika Bridge, Lauren Danforth, Sarah King, Ava Lindsay, and Kyra Sturdivant, as well as junior Jayden Sullivan. Three freshmen received Honorable Mention awards, including Leigha Cassista, Rowan Gifford, and Aubrey Ilgenfritz.  Congratulations to these talented artists as well as their teachers Mr. Gooden, Mrs. Copeland, Ms. Root, and Mr. Gonzalez. The statewide exhibit will be on display in the Stockbridge Theatre Lobby from January 23rd - February 5th. 

Enjoy the snow, stay safe, and study hard. Good luck with exams!


Dr. Timothy J. Powers
Head of School