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Weekly Update

September 16th, 2022 by Tim Powers

Good afternoon,

Last night, the Class of 2026, was welcomed to PA in our long-standing tradition of the Freshman Reception put on by the Class of 2023. It was a fun evening and a special way for the class to kick off their first big social event as Astros. The fall calendar is full of exciting events for our students, and we are looking forward to them.

Today we had a special guest on campus as Ben Franklin made appearances on campus to celebrate Constitution Day (tomorrow). Thank you to Dean of Studies and Instruction Mr. Lee for engaging our students in learning in a unique way.

Next week is Spirit Week leading up to Mack Plaque weekend against Londonderry. You can find the themes for each day on our homepage. Be sure to follow us on social media to see pictures throughout the week. 

On Tuesday, September 20th we are having our club fair during lunch periods. Students can go and check out the more than 60 clubs and organizations we offer at Pinkerton. For more information, you can also check them out on our website

On Wednesday, September 21st, we will be testing our school messenger system. This is the alert system for notifications on inclement weather days, emergencies, and other important information for our school community. For inclement weather days and emergencies, we will send text messages, emails, and phone calls. We ask that you go to the school messenger system (found here) to update your contact information before Wednesday. If you know of someone who isn’t receiving these messages, please let them know.

Another reminder for parents and guardians, please be sure you have completed the Health History and Consent to Treat Form. In order to be seen and treated by a school nurse, all students must have this form completed. You can find it and more information from Health Services on the website under the Students’ or Parents’ menus.

Have a good weekend.


Dr. Timothy J. Powers