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Weekly Update - Hall of Fame

September 30th, 2022 by Tim Powers

Good afternoon,

The last day of September is upon us. The first full month of the school year has flown by, and it has been great to see all the activities happening in and out of the classrooms, field, theater, and more. Last night, the Hall of Fame Committee inducted its newest members, and the Board of Trustees recognized two recipients of the Trustees Meritorious Service Award. 

Karen Ferguson and Chief Ed Garrone received the Meritorious Service Award for the work they have done for Pinkerton Academy and our communities. Inducted into the Hall of Fame were faculty members Mr. Timothy Cain and Mr. Michael Gavrish, alumni BGen Valerie (Ray) Jackson ’90, Dr. Mark Mastromarino ’79, and Mr. Paul Thompson, Jr. ’07, and in the historical category, Mr. Edmund Angell and General George Thom. For each inductee, it was clear that Pinkerton has made an impact on their lives and that they have made an impact on the lives of others while at Pinkerton and in our communities. We congratulate this group as they join the other Pinkerton Academy Hall of Fame members.

As we head into October, the weather is changing and one of the most beautiful seasons on campus has arrived. To all those who were able to attend the open house this past week, we hope you were able to get a sense of your child’s classrooms and travel about campus. We hope to continue to see you at events on campus throughout your child’s time here at Pinkerton. 

Have a good weekend.


Dr. Timothy J. Powers