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Carson Walls '25 Earns Top Honors for Orchestra Compostition

June 24th, 2024

Earlier this year, Carson Walls '25 submitted his original piece for symphonic orchestra titled "Stellar Dissonance" to this year's New Hampshire Music Educators Association composition contest. He found out in March that he received the top score for classical music in the high school division!
The adjudicator started his remarks to Carson with, "Wow! What an impressive piece," and the certificate he received for his accomplishment reads, "Your talent and passion shine brightly, laying the foundation for a future rich in musical exploration and achievement." 
You can listen to "Stellar Dissonance" below.


Carson's Program Notes:

Stellar Dissonance is a piece for symphony orchestra and choir about conflict and consequences. It starts off with a large battle in space, with both sides trading blows. The piece introduces a military-like opening section with brass playing a repeated figure and the strings playing staccato 8th notes. The 1st and 2nd Violins play a heroic melody followed by fast woodwind flourishes. The section ends with a large brass fanfare as a fleet of space fighters fly overhead. The clarinets come in and help transition into the next section. This section opens with a harp and is followed by a solo oboe. At this point our protagonists are at their lowest point. They have been pushed back and have lost all hope. The oboe solo is sad and mellow with small bursts of other instruments playing backgrounds. Soon after there is a key change and the same melody is given to horns, and violins. This section is more hopeful as the protagonists decide that they need to make a stand. A heroic speech is given as they prepare to fight back. There is a small break as solo clarinet plays a short transition into the new key and the 6/8 section. The strings come back in and play a rising ostinato figure as the protagonists emerge from their hiding spot and prepare to fight back. More and more instruments are added and the brass come back in with another short fanfare. The heroes make their way into enemy territory and locate the weapon that could win them the battle. Woodwind flourishes come in over the fanfare and then a chromatic run before a fast syncopated section. The protagonists reach their target and activate it. Then…Silence… Cellos and Double bass come in with a low C as the true realization sets in that a completely decimated planet lies before them.