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Weekly Update - 1/27/23

January 27th, 2023 by Tim Powers

Good afternoon,

Last night we held the Winter Sending Towns Dinner. Part of the night included a presentation about a building project to replace the current Social Studies Wing. The leadership and commitment of the Board of Trustees, along with years of partnership with school administration, faculty, and staff, allowed this student-centered initiative to become a reality when the Board recently voted to move forward with the project. You can find the slides and notes for the presentation as well as a previous presentation on our website

The Board of Trustees also recently approved the calendar for the 2023-2024 school year. You can find it here on our website

Just another reminder that the last day of exams is Monday, January 30th. Semester 2 will begin on Tuesday, January 31st with a White Day.

The Winter Dance is on Saturday, February 11th  from 7 pm to 10 pm in the Hackler Gymnasium. Tickets can be purchased before school beginning Tuesday, January 31 through Thursday, February 2nd.  Ticket sales will be from 6:30 am to 7:00 am in the Science Lecture Hall.  Tickets are $20, cash or check only. Only Pinkerton students may attend. Email [email protected] with any questions. 

Have a good weekend.


Dr. Timothy J. Powers
Head of School