Ski Club Announcements

The PA Ski Club will be participating in AstroTHON this year!  AstroTHON is a 12-hour dance marathon hosted by the Student Council. This event raises money for the Boston Children's Hospital's Every Child Fund which goes towards family housing, medical bills, therapy dogs, food, and toys. We aim to have all clubs compete to see who could raise the most money. The club that raises the most money per participant will receive a breakfast party during flex.

Click Here to Register
JSKis Sponsorship & Ski Discount!

Are you in the market for a new pair of skis this year?  You're in luck!  JSkis, a local ski manufacturing company created by Jason Levinthal (founder of Line Skis and Full Tilt boots) has provided the Pinkerton Ski Club with a sponsorship!  Through this sponsorship, any member of the club who wishes to purchase a new pair of JSkis can receive $100 off their ski purchase.  If this is something you may be interested in, please email us for more information.

JSkis Website



About Ski Club

The Pinkerton Academy Ski Club (PA Ski Club) is a club that is open to all students regardless of experience level with skiing or snowboarding, from novice to expert. The club typically plans on 3-5  trips a season, with Friday night skiing in January/February and at least one overnight trip. Several meetings are held in the fall to choose officers and discuss trip destinations and an overnight trip. Ski/snowboard enthusiasts and newbies welcome!  

Friday Nights @ Gunstock (Gunstock Outreach Program)

Each year, the club participates in the Gunstock Outreach program where students are given the opportunity to purchase a discounted season pass from Gunstock.  Through the program, students travel to Gunstock on four Friday nights in January, with the possibility of adding more trips later in the season.  Students who participate in the program are offered free lessons and rentals during the four program nights.  This is our most popular program and is geared towards Skiers and Snowboarders of all levels.  It is a great opportunity to get a season pass to a good mountain at a reasonable price.


Alongside the Gunstock Outreach program, the Ski Club plans two overnight weekend trips to some of the more premier mountains in New England.  We usually host one trip in February and one trip in March each year.  We depart Pinkerton on Friday after school and go up to the mountain.  We stay at one of the resort hotels on the mountain and wake up on Saturday, getting first tracks, and ski all day.  We will then ski most of the day on Sunday and depart for Pinkerton around 2:30pm.  These trips are geared more towards intermediate to expert Skiers and Snowboarders.  You are required to have your own equipment for these trips and space on the trip is usually limited to 26-27 students. 

Day Ski Trips

Each year, the Ski Club tries to offer at least one additional day trip to a closer mountain to Pinkerton.  In the past, we have gone to Killington and Crotched Mountain.  These trips are typically done on a Saturday or Sunday and are limited to 26-27 students.  Ability levels for these trips vary depending on the difficulty of the mountain.  Students are required to have their own equipment for these trips.

Club Advisors: Mr. Frank, Mr. Konstant, & Mr. O'Neil

Club Officers:

  • Alec Henry
  • Varda Kotlyarsky
  • Camden Binette
  • Luke O'Donnell
  • Eliana Henry

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Current Trip Offerings

No current offerings.