Programs for High School Students to Earn College Credit

Many of Pinkerton Academy’s CTE programs offer post-secondary credits that are aligned with their course work. Below are the programs currently offered:

Dual Enrollment Programs

Dual enrollment programs are credit bearing programs that provide high school students with the opportunity to take college or university courses that are taught by college or university faculty members and lecturers. These programs allow students to earn post-secondary credits while still enrolled in high school or a career and technical education program. These programs are listed below:

Early College


Concurrent Enrollment Programs

Concurrent enrollment programs are credit bearing programs that provide high school students with the opportunity to take college or university courses that are taught at the high school by qualified and approved high school teachers. These programs allow students to earn postsecondary credits while still enrolled in high school.  These programs allow students to earn postsecondary credits while still enrolled in high school or a career and technical education program. These programs are listed below:

Running Start

SNHU in the High School

UNH First Step 

Cost of Dual and Concurrent Enrollment Programs

The cost of the program varies however students typically pay $150 (financial aid is available) at the start of the course and, upon satisfactory completion, earn college credit, as well as high school credit. The course is listed on a college transcript, which students receive in addition to their “regular” high school transcript.

Articulation Agreements

Articulation agreements are non-credit bearing formal partnerships between two or more educational institutions aimed at creating a seamless transfer process for students interested in attending a particular college or university. Pinkerton Academy CTE has articulation agreements with various colleges and universities that align closely with a students’ CTE program.

HOW to obtain Concurrent course (COLLEGE) transcripts:

Students who have successfully enrolled (received a confirming email during the enrollment period) and who have completed the course requires with a satisfactory grade determined by the college may can request his/her transcript directly from the aligned university or college.  Student must know which university or college his/her course was aligned.  Most of Pinkerton's CTE courses are aligned to Manchester Community College, but there are others aligned to other community colleges in the CCSNH system, Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), or University of New Hampshire (UNH).  Students who are unsure which university or college his/her class was aligned to please see below (please note document is periodically updated and if there are any questions please reach out to the Assistant CTE Director).  Recommendation:  Student should be "enrolled" in his/her postsecondary school before transferring the transcript.

Transcript Requests:





College Alignment:

Pinkerton Running Start Courses 2023-2024